Economic Equity Investment Program Funding Information

What is EEIP?

The Economic Equity Investment Program (EEIP), funded by Business Oregon, provides a network of support for businesses at all stages, from startup to growth, including existing businesses facing a significant challenge. Through NEOEDD, businesses in Union and Wallowa counties can access free classes, technical assistance and counseling, and apply for small grants and matched savings accounts funded by EEIP. Entrepreneurs who meet any combination of two or more of the following economic equity risk factors are eligible for the program.

Economic Risk Factors

  • Residence or operation in a rural location – provide proof of business or entrepreneur’s location in Union or Wallowa counties
  • Socioeconomic status – provide proof of household income that is less than what listed in the chart below
  • Experience of discrimination because of race or ethnicity – self-attest during the application process
  • Experience of discrimination due to English language proficiency – self-attest during the application process that a language other than English is spoken within your home
  • Experience of discrimination due to citizenship status – self-attest during the application process that you identify as one of the following: Non-U.S. citizens, undocumented persons, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, refugees, asylees, immigrants, VAWA petitioners, Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) holders, individuals covered under the Compact for Free Association (COFA) and persons with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), etc.

In order to participate in this program individuals must qualify for EEIP through Reinventing Rural’s intake process.

The first step is to create your account through: The second step is to check your email and follow the directions to provide the requested information and/or documentation through the portal.

NEOEDD is offering both a grant program and a matched savings program with EEIP funding. Completion of an NEOEDD-offered business planning class is one way to meet a program requirement. The matched savings program was opened on May 1, 2024 and so many applications came in that we closed the application portal on May 2, 2024. The grant application is open through July 31, 2024.

More information and application for the grant program

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Project Submission Form: Baker, Union, and Wallowa Counties

Please use this form to submit projects for potential inclusion in the Northeast Oregon Economic Development District’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Once projects are included, you can use the CEDS to demonstrate that your project has been listed in a regional plan. Projects should have a positive impact on economic or community development.

To be included in the CEDS, projects must have a public or non-profit sponsor. Private projects should not be submitted and will not be included in the CEDS.

You may submit multiple projects by returning to this page. The space for providing answers will expand. 

The NEOEDD board will consider new project additions at their quarterly meetings.