CEDS Partner Survey

Economic Development Partner survey

CEDS Pulse Survey

NEOEDD adopted the 2023-2028 Northeast Oregon Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy in September 2023. The strategy includes a few data points that we will be collecting from economic development partners at the beginning of the five-year implementation period and again at the end. This survey is designed to collect the beginning data points. Your answers should be reflective of your general knowledge and based on your opinions and experience. Please think about your work in Baker, Union and Wallowa counties when answering these questions.

A Small AmountA Moderate AmountQuite a Bit
FewA Moderate AmountMany
It’s Getting HarderIt Varies Quite a BitIt’s Generally Easier
Less Than One-ThirdBetween One-Third and Two-ThirdsMore Than Two-Thirds
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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Please fill out the following form so we know a bit more about you and your business needs.  

Project Submission Form: Baker, Union, and Wallowa Counties

Please use this form to submit projects for potential inclusion in the Northeast Oregon Economic Development District’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Once projects are included, you can use the CEDS to demonstrate that your project has been listed in a regional plan. Projects should have a positive impact on economic or community development.

To be included in the CEDS, projects must have a public or non-profit sponsor. Private projects should not be submitted and will not be included in the CEDS.

You may submit multiple projects by returning to this page. The space for providing answers will expand. 

The NEOEDD board will consider new project additions at their quarterly meetings.