NEOEDD is currently seeking city representatives from Enterprise and smaller communities in Wallowa County to serve on our board of directors. We welcome participation from people of diverse backgrounds. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact Lisa Dawson, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 541-426-3598. The NEOEDD board meets quarterly and members sometimes serve on committees between meetings. Board members provide leadership and oversight for NEOEDD, advocate for participation in our programs and services, and help connect NEOEDD to new relationships and resources.
Business Mentorship
Would you like to serve as a business mentor? If you have business experience and enjoy helping others, consider volunteering as a mentor. Contact [email protected] if you would like to serve as a business mentor.
Wallowa County Regional Main Street
We are currently seeking volunteers to serve on leadership teams for the Wallowa County Main Street program. If you are a resident or business owner in Wallowa, Lostine, Enterprise, Joseph and or Wallowa Lake and you have a couple hours a month to serve on the leadership team for your community, let us know! Contact Eli Heindricks, [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering.
2023-2028 CEDS Engagement
Northeast Oregon’s 2023-2028 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a strategy-driven plan for regional economic development that includes the input of community members and stakeholders. Your involvement will help us achieve goals for the region that will support our region’s economic prosperity and resiliency. To get involved, see below and visit our Regional Planning page:
Engage in the CEDS working group as a business owner, interested resident, or public and nonprofit representative to help ensure that a diversity of perspectives, experiences, and strategies are part of implementing projects included in the CEDS. Engaging a working group is a new step in the CEDS process. We expect the group will meet one-two times a year to review progress on the strategy and potentially make updates to the plan.
Ask that your priority public or nonprofit projects are included in the CEDS. Including your project in the CEDS can demonstrate to funders and partners that your project(s) contribute to achieving the region’s economic and community development goals and help you access funding resources.
Your donations allow us to continue to provide free services to small business owners, entrepreneurs and nonprofits in our region. NEOEDD is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. NEOEDD will provide donors with an acknowledgement of their contribution.
Entrepreneurs and Businesses Served
Nonprofits, Municipalities and Community Groups Served
Jobs Created
Jobs Retained
New Businesses
Capital Deployed through Loans, Grants and Individual Development Accounts
Please use this form to submit projects for potential inclusion in the Northeast Oregon Economic Development District’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Once projects are included, you can use the CEDS to demonstrate that your project has been listed in a regional plan. Projects should have a positive impact on economic or community development.
To be included in the CEDS, projects must have a public or non-profit sponsor. Private projects should not be submitted and will not be included in the CEDS.
You may submit multiple projects by returning to this page. The space for providing answers will expand.
The NEOEDD board will consider new project additions at their quarterly meetings.